Bishop of Oxford’s statement on Archbishop of Canterbury and Makin Review


“This has been an extremely difficult week for so many people following the publication of the Makin review into the serious abuse of John Smyth last Thursday. Many of us will have been deeply moved and angered by the horrific abuse described in such terrible detail and by the systemic failures of the Church of England in safeguarding set out so clearly and over many years. Our prayers and thoughts should focus first on the survivors and victims of John Smyth and all others affected by his abuse who have suffered so much and for so long.
“The report is a stark reminder to all of us in our ministries to give the very highest priority to the safeguarding of all, to the culture of our churches, to training policies and procedures, to mandatory reporting and for rigorous and independent scrutiny in the future. The Makin review makes for very difficult and demanding reading – nevertheless I hope that all of our clergy and lay leaders will engage with its message and recommendations.  
“Despite the positive outcome from our recent independent safeguarding audit, we are not complacent and know we have still further to travel to become a safer church. Every one of us will need to continually review our practice. I remain thankful for so many Parish Safeguarding Officers and our Diocesan Safeguarding Team, supporting you all. 
“As you will know, Archbishop Justin resigned yesterday following the publication and reception of the review. There will be time and space later, I hope, to pay tribute to Justin’s gifts and dedication in his demanding ministry as Archbishop of Canterbury. We are asked to pray today for our Archbishop and for his family.
“But our focus in these coming days is and should be on the survivors of abuse, those who have found the courage to speak out and the many whose pain remains hidden. There are helplines and resources for those who need support on our website.  

“I am focussing my own thoughts and prayers for all affected on these verses from Romans 8 which speak so clearly of God’s love and mercy: