Bishop of Newark’s election day letter


Dear Companions on the Journey,

Election Day has arrived, finally. After speeches, rallies, town halls, debates, text messages, ads, ads, and more ads, the moment of change is here. It is both a relief and a worry. We simply do not know who will win and what will happen after that win is announced. And yet, in the midst of the unknown, there is a truth that we have learned to hold dear: God is near to us at all times, in all ways, and despite all confusion. So, we vote, and we pray.

We pray for elections, those elected, and those not elected. We pray for the safety of our nation, for poll workers, and those standing for election. We pray for forgiveness for the ways we have harshly judged others. We pray to forgive those who have hurt or harmed us. We pray for friends and for enemies. And we pray knowing the God who loves all people will continue to guide us, our households, our houses of worship, and our nation.

We choose prayer over worry. We choose love over hate. We choose community over isolation. And we choose worship and working for the good of God’s people over fear and contempt. So, what does that look like?

Make a commitment to worship today or to sit in a quiet place for prayer. The following churches in our area are offering services.

Decide to help others today. Check with your priest or vestry members for a way you can serve God’s people in need. Most parishes in our diocese have ministries that need your time, talent, or donation today. Your offer of help today will bless the church, the people served, and your spirit.

Pray throughout the day and night. Pages 5-7 of Election 2024 resources for parishes are prayers suggested for congregation members.

I have been praying the Collect for Guidance in the Book of Common Prayer for months. It has been a source of great comfort and confidence to me. Know that I will continue to pray it for the people, parishes, and ministries of our diocese along with the good of our nation.

Heavenly Father, in you we live and move and have our being: We humbly pray you so to guide and govern us by your Holy Spirit, that in all the cares and occupations of our life we may not forget you, but may remember that we are ever walking in your sight; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (BCP p 100)

Grace and peace,

Bishop Hughes