‘De facto parallel province’ is the only way forward now for the Church of England


Each week the Living in Love and Faith waters appear to flow under the bridge with ever increasing force. And because of that we are sending this additional news bulletin – when we would otherwise have waited another couple of weeks to be in touch. It’s only short – but we want to keep you up to speed…

The particular ‘waters’ to which I am referring are in this case the recent podcast (‘The Rest is Politics’), in which Archbishop Justin is interviewed by Alastair Campbell (former press secretary to Tony Blair). 

In a wide ranging interview, in which Archbishop Justin speaks with courage about his upbringing and his struggles with mental health among other things, he also describes how his views on sexual ethics have evolved – to the point that both the Christian and secular press found the podcast arresting enough to comment on it.

This is a significant interview because it is the first time the Archbishop of Canterbury has articulated publicly that his own views are now at odds with Church of England doctrine – and beyond that – most major Christian denominations across the globe. This interview serves to deepen the crisis around the Living in Love and Faith process.

So where does this leave us?

In short – this clearly demonstrates that the liberalisation of sexual ethics within the C of E is not about to be halted and that we have reached a point where we cannot simply acquiesce, or ‘wait and see’ what might happen next. It is incumbent upon all of us who are committed to the goodness of the biblical, apostolic teaching that we have received, to pray and take whatever action we can to contend for the preservation of gospel values and teaching in the life of the C of E.

What is CEEC doing?

We are convinced that the call of the Alliance to build a ‘de facto parallel province within the C of E’ is the right and wise course of action at this time – and we are 100% behind it. Please pray in particular for myself and CEEC Council member Vaughan Roberts in our role as Alliance Directors.

Meanwhile, we are continuing to engage in all the conversations to which we are invited – including those being led by Bishop Martyn Snow (lead bishop for the Living in Love and Faith process). We continue to contend at those meetings for a structural form of provision which will secure orthodox teaching and mission. 

What can you do?

  1. Read, watch, listen to the interview and the analysis of the interview – do watch the relevant clips below and the responses to it by Andrew Goddard and Peter Lynas (Evangelical Alliance).
  2. Pray – we need to continue to come before the Lord on this – there is a great need for us to intercede for the Church of England. Please do make sure you have the next CEEC online prayer meeting in your diary: Wednesday 4 December at 12.30 and 18.30 – a zoom link will be circulated nearer the time. 
  3. Join your Diocesan Evangelical Fellowship – work together with others in your diocese to articulate your concerns to your bishop.
  4. Ask your vicar to explore with the PCC if you as a church can use the Ephesian Fund to pay your parish share (so that your  ‘voice’ can be added to others around the dioceses in support of a biblical position).