Diocese of St Albans’ statement on the Pilavachi Soul Survivor review


We have formally received the Independent Review into Soul Survivor from the Trustees of Soul Survivor and wish to express our thanks to Fiona Scolding KC and her team for their work in producing this report. 

We are especially thankful to all those who have contributed to the review. We recognise that, for many, sharing their experiences will have been personally challenging, and we would like to extend our gratitude for your courage and willingness to come forward. Your voices will be crucial in helping us understand the full scope of what occurred. 

We wish to underscore the seriousness of what has happened and the profound impact on those affected by Mike Pilavachi’s abusive behaviour. We deeply regret the pain and distress caused, and we offer our sincere apologies to all survivors and victims who have suffered as a result. 

We will now take the necessary time to consider the findings and recommendations the Review includes for us as a diocese. We aim to provide a full response within three months. This response will be shaped by careful deliberation by the Bishop’s Council and other relevant diocesan bodies, ensuring that we respond in a manner that is thorough, appropriate and representative of the Diocese as a whole. 

Throughout the safeguarding investigation and the Scolding Review, we have worked alongside Soul Survivor Watford to strengthen their safeguarding practices, and the Revd Canon Tim Lomax, the Diocese’s Director of Mission and Ministry has attended frequently to provide oversight of the church’s operations and to support the congregation and church leadership in his role as Diocesan Visitor.  

The Trustees of Soul Survivor have issued a statement today showing the progress and changes they have already made in anticipation of the recommendations of the Scolding Review, and the Diocese is committed to supporting them as they now work to implement all the recommendations in full. 

We will also use this experience to strengthen safeguarding practices, improve the formation of Bishops’ Mission Orders (BMO), and consider how the oversight of churches and clergy operating under the BMO framework could be enhanced. 

Our priority is to ensure the safety and well-being of all those within our church communities, and we remain fully dedicated to promoting a culture of openness, accountability, and care. Should you have any concerns or require support, please contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Team at safeguarding@stalbans.anglican.org, who are available to listen and help. Please be assured that any safeguarding concerns raised will be treated with the utmost sensitivity. If you, or anyone you are in contact with, have been affected by this news and wish to speak to someone independently, please call the Safe Spaces helpline on 0300 303 1056. 

Thank you for your understanding, support and prayers as we work through this important process.