
Church of the Redeemer Bryn Mawr damaged by fire

Letter from the rector of June 25, 2024

Dear members of the Redeemer community: 

Last night around 8:30pm I was notified by our alarm company that the smoke sensors in the church had detected a fire. This automatically initiated their call to the fire department. Within minutes I had unlocked the church doors and discovered that the ceiling in the rear of the nave was burning and the entire church was filled with heavy smoke. Firefighters arrived almost immediately and, over the course of nearly two hours, they contained and extinguished the fire.
Seven fire departments worked together to make sure that the building was preserved, that the damage, though significant, was minimized, and that no one was injured. Their response was quick, decisive, professional, and personally caring. 

As a result of the fire, a substantial portion of the north roof was cut away, and the interior suffered extensive water and smoke damage. Beginning at midnight, a crew from ServePro began the work of remediation. At this point, we don’t know when we’ll be able occupy the church, and we’re working with fire, insurance, and restoration personnel to draw up procedures for its repair. One of the several fire chiefs who were on the scene said that we were lucky; in most cases fires like this in churches are devastating. Our losses are limited and, by early estimates, manageable. 

I was moved by the many parishioners who, in hearing the news, came to the campus to offer whatever support they could. At a time of crisis, this immediate ad hoc community was an immeasurable grace. Other parishioners, across many states, called and texted members and friends, expressing their care. I am especially grateful to Tracy Steele, our Rector’s Warden, who arrived as soon as she could and stayed late into the night in order to walk through the church with fire officials. She was joined by Kyle Lissack, who provided excellent guidance, especially in light of his deep knowledge of the building. Staff members came to lend a hand, and Joshua Castaño remained well into the morning to insure that the best work could be done in a timely manner. 

Very early this morning numerous neighbors walked by and noted, in heartfelt fashion, how much they appreciated The Redeemer, its campus and its presence. They felt the wound of our loss. But it was a wonderful indication that we have made significant steps toward being the anchor institution that is our goal, as a community that meaningfully touches and supports the greater community. 

We will have a ways to go before we can resume regular worship in the church. This may take several weeks or several months. In the meantime, we’ll do all that we can to continue our ministries and prepare for the beginning of the program year in September — hopefully in a refreshed space and with a renewed appreciation for what others have provided us and what we can maintain and develop for our future.

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