Bishops are calling on voters to help create a ‘better culture’ in debate and online during the UK General Election Campaign, with a new set of daily prayers and reflections.

Written by a group of Church of England bishops, the reflections are part of the Church of England’s #PrayYourPart campaign, which promotes prayer and participation.

The 21 daily reflections begin on June 14 and cover everything from prayers for party leaders, candidates and the media, through to themes such as integrity and truthfulness and key subjects including education, technology, prisons, housing, migration and the environment.

articipants are encouraged to remember that those offering themselves for public office ‘need and deserve our support and prayer’ and that we ‘rightly expect integrity in those engaged in public life’ but should expect the same standards of ourselves.

There are reminders that party leaders are ‘only human’ and, though privileged, ‘the pressures they are under are hard to imagine.’

The importance of truth is underlined in a world where social media algorithms ‘serve up more of what we like rather than providing a balance of perspectives.’

While stressing the importance of trust in the media, there is also encouragement to consumers of media to commit to telling the truth about – and loving – our neighbour.

The final reflection focuses on good government, serving as a reminder that beyond the election, ‘the challenge of government is as much about implementing ideas and avoiding errors as it is about developing policy.’

#PrayYourPart is available as a printed booklet from Church House Publishing, in audio form via smart speaker, or via daily emails. Those participating are also encouraged to share their own prayers on social media using the #PrayYourPart hashtag.

In a welcome, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York write: “In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus teaches us to pray each day, ‘your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven’. This simple and profound prayer is our starting point during the days leading up to the General Election – and all the days beyond.

“May God’s will be done in our nation and in God’s world.”