Asmara, the capital of Eritrea

One of the founding fathers of the Full Gospel Church in Eritrea has died in prison. Reverend Ghirmay Araya was arrested along with other church leaders in 2021. He was never charged with any crime. He suffered from diabetes and related illnesses.

The Eritrea regime banned the Full Gospel Church along with many others in 2002.

Partners of UK-based Release International, which serves the persecuted church across the world, say thousands of Eritreans have been imprisoned for their faith since that time. Some have died from torture and untreated illness.


They add: ‘Rev Ghirmay was among these and endured his suffering with steadfast faith.’

Rev Ghirmay was arrested in 2021 and held in the maximum-security Wengel Mermera Central Criminal Investigation Centre, along with other church leaders. Some had been detained for 20 years.

One of Rev Ghirmay’s sons has also been imprisoned for his faith for the past seven years. Sources say he is being kept in a shipping container, a practice long condemned by Release International. Although they were in the same prison, father and son had no opportunity to meet, and the son was not even aware of his father’s death.

Release International partner Dr Berhane Asmelash said: ‘I’m deeply saddened by Revd Ghirmay’s death, and express my heartfelt condolences to his wife, their children and his extended family.

‘Rev Ghirmay served the church diligently for more than 60 years in both Eritrea and Ethiopia. His ministry extended across the Orthodox, Lutheran, and finally Full Gospel churches. He left five children and 13 grandchildren. He went to be with the Lord at the age of 83.’

Dr Berhane expressed concerned for the welfare of the hundreds of other Christian prisoners in Eritrean jails. ‘Many are getting on in age and suffer from various health conditions.

‘Deaf ears’

‘All our calls to the government of Eritrea have fallen on deaf ears. So I call on the international community and fellow believers to put pressure on the government about trying to stop this barbaric act against people who have done nothing wrong.’

Release International has just published the biography of Dr Asmelash, Brother, I have come to arrest you. It tells the story of his arrest and imprisonment because of his faith in Christ.

Dr Berhane spent time with prisoners who were on death row and led some to Christ. He was subject to a mock execution. Several times he could have escaped, but felt God wanted him to remain. When he was finally able to leave the country, he came to Britain and has campaigned tirelessly since for the persecuted church in Eritrea.

Brother, I have come to arrest you is endorsed by Fiona Bruce MP, vice chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for International Freedom of Religion or Belief. She says, ‘This book needed to be written – and needs to be read.


‘The world should know of the suffering and bravery of thousands of Eritreans, barbarically imprisoned, tortured, and killed – simply on account of their beliefs. And to know that this is happening right now, in the third decade of the 21st Century.

‘Brother, I Have Come to Arrest You does just that. This profound account of Dr Berhane’s own experiences, and those of other Eritreans, is living testament to Paul’s words in the Bible, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Cor. 12:9). But as Dr Berhane also states, and illustrates all too graphically, “This is not cheap grace.’”

‘May this book compel all who read it to action – to stand with and support, in whatever way we each can, the many Christians in Eritrea today who suffer simply because of their faith in Jesus Christ.’

Release International CEO Paul Robinson adds: ‘This is a remarkable account of the importance – and possibility – of standing strong in the faith, under the most appalling of conditions, as the tragic death of Revd Ghirmay Araya serves to illustrate.

‘Fiona Bruce is right, there is no cheap grace. And this book serves as a wake-up call to the Church in the free world, to truly value our freedom and to use it effectively for the gospel.

Prisoners of faith

‘Release International has campaigned for many years for Eritrea to grant full freedom of worship for all its citizens. And we will continue to press for the release of every Christian locked up in its jails.’

There are thought to be some 400 Christian prisoners of faith in Eritrea, the majority are Evangelical Christians. The actual figure is unknown, because so many have been imprisoned without trial or without charge.

Brother, I Have Come to Arrest You is available from Release International (01689 823491) for £10, including postage and packing.

Release International is active in some 30 countries. It works through partners to prayerfully, pastorally, and practically support the families of Christian martyrs, prisoners of faith and their families. It also supports Christians suffering oppression and violence, and those forced to flee.