UCCF announces three senior appointments as part of ongoing committment to good governance


THE UNIVESITIES and Colleges Christian Fellowship (UCCF) has announced three senior appointments as part of its ongoing commitment to good governance, and the highest standards in Human Resources policies and practices.

Mary Comont joins UCCF in March 2024 to the newly created post of ‘Director of People’. With an expertise in supporting people through change within the non-profit sector, Mary has worked for several key Christian charities, including Tearfund and BMS World Mission.  Mary says that her own experience at university “profoundly formed and shaped my own faith in Jesus Christ.” And that: “this drives my commitment to contributing to UCCF’s time of deep connection with students during this phase of their lives.”

Mary brings to UCCF a commitment to creating healthy cultures which lay the foundations for people to thrive, grow and excel.  This is complemented by her own experience in charity governance where she serves on the board of Wycliffe Bible Translators and is the Oxford Branch Chair of Friends International.

Mark Childs joins the trustees of UCCF having supported the charity for 37 years. He said: “The experience of being a student leader in a Christian Union, and the support and training provided by UCCF laid a strong foundation of faith at a key time in my life.  The legacy was a heart for mission and a genuine appreciation of different expressions of faith united around core beliefs. I felt the Lord was nudging me to serve an organisation that had served me so well.”

Mark was founder and Chief Executive of a professional services company providing HR advice to clients across public, private and third sectors, including many of the UK’s largest charities.  Prior to this he held senior HR roles in major UK and US parented companies and is a former Vice President of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.

Gareth Burns is a former president of Heriot-Watt University CU. Together with his wife, Gareth has been a long-time supporter of UCCF staff workers/team leaders. Their sons are both at university in Scotland, and their active involvement in their respective CUs in Edinburgh is a great encouragement to them, as parents.

Gareth said: “One son is about to come off a CU committee and one is about to go onto a committee! Considering this, and the fact that students are at a stage of life where they are receptive to hearing the gospel means that I am keen for UCCF to continue to support Christian students share their faith with their friends and course mates at university.”

Gareth is a qualified actuary, leads BP ventures, BP’s corporate venture capital activities. Prior to joining BP, Gareth held a variety of senior leadership roles in the Norwegian energy company, Equinor. He is also a trustee and vice-chair of Stewardship.

Simon Day, chair of the UCCF trustees said: “The combined experience, gifts, knowledge, and Christian commitment that Mary, Mark and Gareth bring to UCCF at this time is something we thank God for his timing, leading and provision.

“The Trustees are committed to helping deliver the best possible support to CUs across GB and, in creating a culture and environment where all staff, volunteers and CU members feel valued, and backed by the strong HR policies and practices, and good governance.”