Vatican saying same-sex couples can be blessed “a key step forward” says DignityUSA


DignityUSA, the world’s oldest organization of LGBTQIA+ Catholics and allies, is celebrating today’s announcement by the Vatican’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith that same-sex couples can be blessed by priests as an important recognition that these relationships can be holy.

“This statement from the Vatican is a dramatic reversal of a document issued about two and a half years ago that declared blessings for same-sex couples could not be offered,” said Marianne Duddy-Burke, Executive Director of DignityUSA. “This is an important recognition that the denial of blessings caused great pastoral harm to many and demonstrates a willingness to rethink discriminatory and dehumanizing theology. It also feels like a vindication of the work so many LGBTQIA+ Catholics and allies have been doing for decades to convey our deep conviction that our sexuality and gender identities are blessings from God, and totally consistent with being faithful Catholics.”

Duddy-Burke noted that this document is another step in a long journey to full equality and affirmation of same-sex relationships. “It is clear from this statement that sacramental recognition of same-sex relationships is not yet on the table,” she said. “However, the Pope has expressed support for civil unions and legal protections of same-sex couples and our families. Perhaps even more importantly, significant majorities of Catholics in many countries already believe that same-sex couples’ relationships are holy, blessed, and equivalent to marriage. It may take time, but we fully expect that the official church will achieve this recognition, as well.

“Today’s statement also will provide comfort to the family members and loved ones of people in same-sex relationships,” Duddy-Burke added. “Too many Catholics have felt a tension between their support of LGBTQIA+ people and our church’s teachings. This will alleviate some of that tension and make it easier for families to rejoice in their loved one’s relationships.”

“We encourage pastors around the country, and across the globe, to take advantage of this new permission to bestow blessings on same-sex couples who ask for this sign of affirmation,” said Duddy-Burke. “It will help many feel more supported by our church.”

DignityUSA has blessed same-sex relationships since the 1970s and has called for equal access to marriage for LGBTQIA+ people for over 25 years.

DignityUSA was founded in 1969, and has worked for justice, equality, and the full inclusion of LGBTQIA+ people in the Catholic church in society since that time. It is a founding member of the Global Network of Rainbow Catholics.