Diocese of Cuba names Puerto Rico bishop as bishop provisional


Diocese of Puerto Rico Bishop Rafael Morales Maldonado was chosen May 4 by the Diocese of Cuba to serve as Cuba’s bishop provisional after the recent retirement of Cuba Bishop Griselda Delgado del Carpio, according to an update on the Diocese of Cuba’s Facebook page.

Delgado, who had led the Episcopal Diocese of Cuba since 2010, retired on March 23. She was instrumental in working for the reunification of the church in Cuba with The Episcopal Church, which took place in 2020, after five years of efforts that included approval by the 79th General Convention in 2018.

“Yesterday, our church voted unanimously in favor of Bishop Rafael Morales Maldonado, bishop of the Diocese of Puerto Rico, to be our bishop provisional during the process of searching for and electing a new bishop diocesan,” the Rev. Halbert Pons, president of Cuba’s Standing Committee, said in the Facebook update, which was written in Spanish. “This has been quite an adventure that has come to a positive conclusion thanks to the presence and guidance of the Holy Spirit and the extraordinary collaboration of all the members of the convention, clergy and lay.”