Church of England Evangelical Council urges the house of bishops to reaffirm church teaching on gay marriage


17 January 2023, London, UK: The Church of England Evangelical Council (CEEC) has asked evangelicals to pray for Church of England bishops today as they meet for the final time to decide on a proposal, post-Living in Love and Faith, to take to General Synod next month. 

CEEC has also called on bishops to ‘Keep the Faith’ and reaffirm the Church of England’s current doctrine and liturgy around marriage.  

John Dunnett, Director of Strategy and Operations, CEEC, says: “CEEC continues to believe that the Church of England’s current position on marriage and human sexuality is built on the teaching of Scripture and is therefore good for individuals and society, as a whole.  

“We are therefore committed to praying and working for the outcome of the Living in Love and Faith process to be one of joyful reaffirmation of this position. We are calling on evangelicals across the country, and beyond, to pray for our bishops as they discern a way forward, and that any proposals would reflect the truths of the bible as understood across centuries and continents.” 

CEEC is hosting two virtual prayer meetings on 31 January at 12.30 and 18.30, to pray for all involved in General Synod. If you’d like to join, please sign up via our ebulletin.  

General Synod will be meeting 6-9 February 2023 to discuss the proposals put forward by the House of Bishops, following the Living in Love and Faith process.