Partnered gay priest appointed dean of Canterbury Cathedral


Canterbury cathedral have announced that Her Late Majesty The Queen approved the nomination of The Very Reverend Dr David Monteith, Dean of Leicester, for election as Dean of Canterbury.

New Dean of Canterbury Announced.

David has overseen significant development and growth at Leicester, enabling the cathedral to become ‘a beating heart’ for one of the most diverse cities and counties in England. This ministry has included the re-interment of King Richard III, and the current major redevelopment project, ‘Leicester Cathedral Revealed’, which secures and equips the cathedral for worship, witness and welcome for the next 100 years.

David currently chairs the College of Deans for the Church of England.

Commenting on his new appointment, Dean David said:

“I am overjoyed and humbled to be entrusted with this opportunity for learning and service. Canterbury Cathedral has played a vital part in our Christian story in England but it is also much loved by so many communities across the Anglican Communion. So I already can see there is much to steward and much to imagine anew as our context reshapes. I have been a priest for many years but I also bring my experience of growing up in the Church of Ireland during the Northern Irish ‘Troubles’.

“I’m looking forward to working with Archbishop Justin, Bishop Rose, the Cathedral Chapter and her communities to ensure our worship inspires, our prayer undergirds, our outreach transforms us and others, and our witness reveals more of God’s expansive Kingdom of love, mercy and peace.  I hope hospitality in the name of Jesus Christ and profound openness to the entire wider community will mark all we offer especially as we face this challenging time of rising costs and human hardship.

“My partner, David, and I have had a place in Whitstable for over 20 years and so we already know Kent well. We are both looking forward to getting to know further the varied communities of the county as well as getting to the seaside more often.”

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby said:

“I’m delighted by David’s appointment as Dean of Canterbury. He has been an exceptional Dean of Leicester – and his deep faith and spirituality, creativity, and profound sense of service will be a gift to Canterbury Cathedral and all the communities it serves.

“This is a time of hardship, suffering and anxiety for many in this country and worldwide. For over 1,400 years Canterbury Cathedral has been a house of prayer where God is worshipped, the good news of Jesus Christ is proclaimed, and the Holy Spirit fills our hearts with love that overflows to the world around us. I am sure that David will build on the extraordinary ministry of Dean Robert, and continue to develop this in new ways for our twenty-first century world.

“We will benefit greatly from David’s experience and perspective, not least from his work in helping diverse faiths and cultural communities to live well together. I share his vision of a Canterbury Cathedral that blesses and serves the people of Canterbury, the Church of England and the global Anglican Communion. I look forward to working with David and I join many in praying for him over the coming months.”

Find out more on the Canterbury cathedral website here.

David shares his life in a Civil Partnership with David Hamilton, a counselling therapist working in palliative and bereavement care.

David will be installed as Dean of Canterbury at a service in Canterbury Cathedral on Saturday 17 December at 15.00.