Home Messages Sri Lankan bishops respond to the fall of the government

Sri Lankan bishops respond to the fall of the government


We are deeply concerned at the unfolding events of our country. We seem to be having a President in exile, an acting President on the ground and a Prime Minister under siege. The Parliament appears to be in total disarray unable to reach consensus on how to navigate the present crisis.

We call for Responsible conduct from all those who are wielding powers, the youth who are seeking change and the security forces and police who are expected to maintain the peace to exercise discernment and restraint at this crucial time. The state of emergency should not be used to suppress the fundamental rights of our people or cause harm to peaceful assembly. We call on the people to remain calm in the face of turmoil and resist any attempts to destroy state property.

We sincerely hope that all stake holders will value the need to be conscious of our obligation to protect our resources and act with wisdom for the greater good of the country. We cannot afford to slide to a state of anarchy.

The Right Rev Keerthisiri Fernando                 The Right Rev Dushantha Rodrigo
The Presiding Bishop of the Church of Ceylon         Bishop of Colombo

& Bishop of Kurunagala