New province of the Anglican Communion approved for Angola and Mozambique


The Anglican Communion has formally approved the formation of a new Province of the Communion, to be entitled Igreja Anglicana de Mocambique e Angola (IAMA, or the Anglican Church of Mozambique and Angola). The new Province will be inaugurated in September.

This news has been given to Archbishop Thabo Makgoba in a letter from Archbishop Josiah Idowu-Fearon, the Secretary General of the Communion.

The formation of a new Province requires the votes of two-thirds of the primates of the Provinces of the Communion. Archbishop Idowu-Fearon said 29 member churches had consented to the development. One Province had abstained and no objections had been received.

IAMA will hold its inaugural Provincial Synod in September, and hold an inauguration service on September 24, the last day of ACSA’s 2021 Provincial Synod. The service is planned for 15:30 and a link is planned so anyone can join the service online.