ACNA executive committee meets over Upper Midwest concerns


Meeting on Monday, July 26, 2021 the Executive Committee of the Anglican Church in North America responded to the concerns raised by survivors of abuse in the Diocese of the Upper Midwest.  The members of the team expressed “deep sorrow for all survivors who have suffered harm and pain as a result of abuse and/or misconduct and for their families and loved ones,” approved the formation of a Provincial Response Team, and called for “prayer for healing and justice for all affected by this tragic situation, for wisdom for those dealing with it, and for a spirit of grace, humility, and repentance throughout our Church.”

The Executive Committee is the Anglican Church in North America’s governing body and is made up of clergy and laity elected from across the Province.  Read the resolution of the Executive Committee below.

Resolved: The Executive Committee of the Anglican Church in North America, meeting on July 26, 2021:

• expresses our deep sorrow for all survivors who have suffered harm and pain as a result of abuse and/or misconduct and for their families and loved ones;

• shares that we especially grieve for those harmed by incidents of abuse and/or misconduct by any member or leader in the Anglican Church in North America;

• expresses our deep concern over the allegations of abuse and misconduct in the Diocese of the Upper Midwest and of the handling of those allegations;

• acknowledges the request from the Bishop’s Council of the Diocese of the Upper Midwest to Archbishop Foley Beach that the Province “undertake oversight of the current third-party investigation, the pastoral care and response to survivors, and the further review and investigation of our diocesan process thus far” and the Archbishop’s acceptance of this request.

In response, the Executive Committee:

• calls for prayer for healing and justice for all affected by this tragic situation, for wisdom for those dealing with it, and for a spirit of grace, humility, and repentance throughout our Church;

• approves the formation of a Provincial Response Team “responsible to select all appropriate entities for this investigation and for the care of survivors” in this matter that will report to the Executive Committee;

• approves the launch of a webpage on the website dedicated to the Diocese of the Upper Midwest matter and an email sign up for updates on it.