GAFCON Primates Council Communique April 2021


The Gafcon Primates Council met on 21 & 22 April 2021 via Zoom.

We are thankful to God for the time we were able to spend together in discussing global and provincial matters especially mindful of those facing persecution for their Faith, the Covid- 19 pandemic and its challenges to health systems, economies, and the worship of Almighty God.

Our General Secretary, Archbishop Ben Kwashi, was with us for the duration of the Council’s meeting. Archbishop Ben’s clear gospel focus for Gafcon and the Diocese of Jos was evident each time he spoke. We are thankful to God for the medical treatment and the breadth of hospitality he has received in the USA over the past 6 months. His treatment is coming to an end and indications are the chemotherapy has stemmed the cancer in his body. Thank you to all who have prayed and supported Archbishop Ben and Mama Gloria through this difficult time.

Despite the effects of COVID affecting every region, there was overwhelming gratitude to God for the ongoing faithful proclamation of the Gospel. While church buildings may have been closed, congregations learned new skills and met virtually. This has resulted in lives being committed to Christ, discipleship being undertaken, new churches planted, baptisms, confirmations, ordinations and consecrations all being conducted in a COVID-safe environment. We praise God for the work of His Spirit in building His church.

Following a decision in 2020 to reconstitute the Missionary District in Europe, the Council was delighted to hear of the renewed ministry to the region with the launch of the Anglican Network in Europe with its two convocations-in-formation, the Anglican Mission in England and the Anglican Convocation in Europe. The work of the Holy Spirit was evident in bringing the Network together in such a short time with the need for separate constitutions and canons for each entity.

The Gafcon Branch in the UK has increased its vision as a result of requests for support from further afield than England, Scotland and Wales. This has resulted in the renaming of the branch to Gafcon GB & Europe, reflecting the breadth of its reach.

Within Anglicanism the revisionist agenda continues to be pushed globally and we have seen an increase in the number of requests for affiliation with Gafcon. The General Secretary and Regional Secretaries seek the best outcome for each request to provide God’s children with biblical teaching and pastoral care that is faithful and obedient to our Lord Jesus Christ.

Our Networks continue to draw together like-minded Anglican organisations in the Provinces and Branches. We were particularly encouraged by the progress being made in the Theological Education Network and the Church Planting Network.

We established working groups to thoroughly examine a number of current issues facing the communion and look forward to the results of their deliberations.

While our financial situation has suffered during the pandemic, our constituents were encouraged to provide the funding to ensure the mandate given to the Primates Council continues. A generous donor has provided a “matching grant” to match regular new donors and we encourage supporters to take advantage of this generous offer. We are hopeful for a fruitful result of our annual Gafcon Sunday scheduled for 27 June.

Gafcon continues to be focused on proclaiming Christ faithfully to the nations, covered with prayer, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, so that revival breaks out and people turn to living righteous lives to the glory of God.

Archbishop Foley Beach Chairman
Gafcon Primates Council


Archbishop Ben Kwashi, General Secretary Gafcon