English “inclusive” pressure groups form MOSAIC


Leaders from across the full breadth of inclusive networks have united to create a “Movement of Supporting Anglicans for an Inclusive Church” that will campaign together for a more inclusive church.

The movement aims to have a presence in each diocese of the Church of England, where it will work with local clergy and laity on projects that promote inclusion for all those who are currently marginalised by the Church of England – whether that be due to race, ability, sexuality, gender or gender identity.

Launching just ahead of the February Synod, the co-chair of the initiative Revd Canon Tim Goode, a newly elected clergy member of the Archbishops’ Council said:

“I am delighted that we have been able to bring together such a broad coalition of leaders who represent the full range of marginalised groups within the Church of England. We stand far stronger together – for you cannot be a little bit inclusive!”

The Movement has appointed eight Patrons who will act as Ambassadors for the Movement and advise on strategy. These include the Chairs of Inclusive Church (Very Revd Dianna Gwilliams) and One Body One Faith (Ven Peter Leonard) along with Revd Bill Braviner from Disability & Jesus, Very Revd Rogers Govender MBE, one of the most senior BAME leaders in the Church of England, Very Revd Mandy Ford and Very Revd Joe Hawes, both civil partnered senior clerics in the Church of England, and Ven Malcolm Chamberlain, who recently helped set up the Evangelical Forum at General Synod. Jayne Ozanne, a well-known LGBT campaigner is also a patron and has worked alongside the founder – Revd Trevor Wyatt – to help set up a Steering Group, which has appointed 23 diocesan convenors. Speaking about the importance of the initiative, she said:

“Many within the Church of England long for a Church that fully embraces everyone and anyone, giving a warm and sincere welcome to all. At last, we now have a movement that can work together across the dioceses and give voice to the silent majority, so that we can speak about the love of God for all.”

Venerable Alan Jeans, Archdeacon of Sarum, who is part of the Steering Group and a MOSAIC diocesan convenor, explained what MOSAIC’s immediate focus would be:

“There are many clergy and laity who have an interest or need for our campaigning group. MOSAIC offers those who are marginalised or subject to discrimination a listening ear. We also aim to be a point of contact for the Bishop’s staff with regards to inclusivity issues within the Diocese. At the same time, we will be seeking ways to ensure that Living in Love and Faith engages LGBT+ voices safely.”

The Movement is keen to connect with anyone who is interested to get involved. More details can be found on their website www.mosaic-anglicans.org.

Editors Notes

  1. The founder of the movement is the Revd Trevor Wyatt, who is vicar of Christ Church Bexleyheath in the Diocese of Rochester (revtrevorwyatt@outlook.com)
  2. The Patrons are:
    Revd Bill Braviner, Priest in Charge of St Peter’s, Stockton on Tees and Disability adviser in the Diocese of Durham
    Venerable Malcom Chamberlain, Archdeacon of Sheffield & Rotherham
    Very Revd Mandy Ford, Dean of Bristol
    Very Rev’d Rogers Govender MBE, Dean of Manchester
    Very Revd Dianna Gwilliams, Dean of Guilford and Chair of Inclusive Church
    Very Rev’d Joe Hawes, Dean of St Edmundsbury & Ipswich
    Venerable Peter Leonard, Archdeacon of the Isle of Wight and Chair of One Body One Faith
    Jayne Ozanne, Director, Ozanne Foundation
  3. The Steering Group is:
    Rev Trevor Wyatt – Co-Chair and Vicar of Christ Church Bexleyheath
    Rev Canon Tim Goode – Co-Chair, Rector of St Margaret’s Lee
    Revd Sibylle Batten – Assistant Curate in Sheffield Manor Parish
    Revd Andrew Dotchin – Vicar of the Benefice of Felixstowe St John the Baptist with St Edmund
    Revd Jackie Doyle Brett – Priest in Charge of Derwent Ings Benefice
    Venerable Alan Jeans – Archdeacon of Sarum