A Christmas letter from The Society’s Council of Bishops

May the light of Christ be with you and your family over this season of Christmas and throughout 2021


Dear Friends,

This Christmas letter from The Society’s Council of Bishops comes with our prayers as we all prepare for the season of Christmas and beyond.

In 2020 humanity has been attacked by an invisible enemy called Covid-19 which all too often is deadly or debilitating. This invisible enemy has changed our day-to-day living in a manner which we would previously have struggled to imagine or foresee. We are unable to do the same things in the same ways.

Despite the gloom and darkness that the world is facing, we are reminded at Christmas that darkness does not have any power over light. Darkness may try to prevent the light from shining, but it never holds back the light enduringly. Ultimately, the light will shine though. God as the creator of the universe is bigger than the Covid-19 health crisis. All of this will pass. All trials do. But until then, let us trust in God; God the Father who makes His Son a daily presence in our lives. Let us hand over our fears to Him so that He can conquer them.

Against this challenging backdrop, The Society’s Council of Bishops met earlier this month and will do so again in early February. The conversations we had were, as ever, wide-ranging with a particular focus not only on a full resumption of our sacramental life together but also on mission and how we can best communicate the Catholic faith to our nation.

We hope that some of us will be able to gather for Chrism Masses in, or just before, Holy Week and renew our commitment to the priestly and sacramental life. We shall write again after our February meeting, including our further thoughts on Chrism Masses.

Thank you once again for your faithfulness and dedication in Christ’s service.  

+ TONY WAKEFIELD The Rt Revd Tony Robinson, Bishop of Wakefield,Chairman of The Society’s Council of Bishops
+ GLYN BEVERLEYThe Rt Revd Glyn Webster, Bishop of Beverley
+ PHILIP BURNLEYThe Rt Revd Philip North, Bishop of Burnley
+ MARTIN CICESTRThe Rt Revd Martin Warner, Bishop of Chichester
+ JONATHAN EBBSFLEETThe Rt Revd Jonathan Goodall, Bishop of Ebbsfleet
+ JONATHAN FULHAMThe Rt Revd Jonathan Baker, Bishop of Fulham
+ WILLIAM LEWESThe Rt Revd Will Hazlewood, Bishop of Lewes 
+ NORMAN RICHBOROUGH The Rt Revd Norman Banks, Bishop of Richborough