Nigerian bishop suspended for adultery


The Bishop of the Church of Nigeria’s Diocese of Ekiti West has been suspended from the ministry for one year after admitting to having committed adultery with the wife of one of his priests.

In a letter dated 11 December 2020, the Primate of the Church of Nigeria, the Most Rev. Henry Ndukuba suspended the Rt. Rt. Rufus Adepoju for conduct unbecoming a member of the clergy.

The primate’s letter stated that it was with a “deep sense of concern and pain” that he was suspending Bishop Adepoju. 

The action was taken as a consequence of “your conduct giving just cause for scandal and abhorrent sexual behaviour with the wife of a priest under your employment and care. These facts were admitted by you in a meeting in our office held on Thursday December 10, 2020.”

“By this suspension, you are not to partake in any activity of the Diocese as the Diocesan Bishop for a period of one (1) year effective from the date of this letter.”

During his suspension Bishop Adepoju was to work with the Archbishop in seeking “further spiritual guidance” and performing acts of contrition for his misconduct.