Bishop Mayer letter to the diocese in the wake of Supreme Court decision


This is the letter Bishop Scott Mayer wrote in the wake of the Supreme Court of Texas decision issued on May 22, 2020.


Dear beloveds,

On May 22, 2020, the Texas Supreme Court’s decision went against us. This decision is a disappointment to us all, but as followers of Jesus Christ, we live in hope.

Read the decision

Presiding Bishop Michael B. Curry  joins me in acknowledging our disappointment and urging all of us to be gentle with one another during this trying time, with the important goal of continuing our worship of God and our ministries in this diocese in as uninterrupted manner as possible.

Now I, other diocesan leaders, and our legal team have to make decisions about our next steps.

For now, we all must don the mantle of patience and forbearance.  I ask for your prayers and urge us all to stay focused on the saving gospel of Jesus Christ and on our mission and ministries in the days ahead.

I remain convinced that we are right in our affirmation that we are the continuing Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth and that I am its bishop.

When we began this litigation in 2009, we did so as heir and steward of the legacy of generations of faithful Episcopalians.  In the wake of this decision we remain committed to preaching the gospel as we worship, care for those in need, and strive for justice and peace.

Let us move forward together with grace and love, guided by the Holy Spirit.

The Rt. Rev. J. Scott Mayer
Provisional Bishop
The Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth