ACNA Governance Task Force issues second update


In response to the latest round of feedback from members of the Province, The Governance Task Force has refined the proposed Constitution and Canon changes for 2020.

The American Anglican Council, in service to the Anglican Church in North America, produced the following second video on the changes to the ACNA Constitution and Canons, to be voted upon this coming Provincial Council, 2020.

The period for this review is from May 15-29.  It will follow the same procedure as in Round 1:  all comments will go to The Rev. Canon Phil Ashey (, and he will direct them to the working groups responsible for each Title.

These working groups will respond directly to each inquiry and will submit any further changes to Canon Ashey so that the final Report to all delegates to Provincial Council can be published by the first week of June, God willing.

A PDF of the changes, 2nd draft, is attached. Many thanks to ALL of the Governance Task Force members, and especially to the Rev. Dr. Travis Boline who carefully pulled together the track changes and edited for grammar.

Note: This is the second video from the Governance Task Force, and focuses only on the updates. The first video, shared in March, provides an overview and greater context.  It can be found at the link below, and should also be reviewed by all delegates.