
Bishop of Western Mexico elected

Archdeacon of San Luis Potosí, the Ven. Ricardo Gómez, elected fourth bishop of Western Mexico on 11 Nov 2017 in Guadalajara

The electoral synod of la Iglesia Anglicana de Mexico – the Anglican Church of Mexico (IAM) – has elected Ricardo Joel Gómez Osnaya as the fourth bishop of the Diocese of Western Mexico. He succeeds Lino Rodríguez Amaro, who has retired. The announcement was made by the provincial secretary of IAM, the Dean Alfonso Walls. “It is with great joy that I inform you that this morning, the electoral synod . . . saw fit to listen to the Holy Spirit and choose the Revd Ricardo Gómez Osnaya,” he said.

“I ask for your prayers and your support, to support our brothers and sisters in the [diocese of the] West for a transition process full of blessings, support and fruits that give glory to God. Thanks to Bishop-Elect Ricardo, to his wife Ericka for their service to the Church and for trusting God and the people in this new mission that the Lord has for them.”

Bishop-Elect Ricardo currently serves as Dean of the Cathedral of San Pablo (St Paul) and Archdeacon of San Luis Potosí, in Central Mexico. He was elected in the first and only round of voting with a large majority and will be consecrated in April next year.

Before ordination, Bishop-Elect Ricardo undertook missionary work in the metropolitan area of Guadalajara, which he has intensified in San Luis Potosí and other cities in the region. He is part of the leadership team at the Center for Theological Studies of San Andrés (CETSA). He has represented his diocese in the executive council of the IAM and has been a member of the Anglican Consultative Council.

Photo: BIshop elect Gómez, his wife Erica, the Primate of Mexico the Most Rev. Francisco Moreno, the Rev. Concepcion Olvera Ochoa (Bishop Rodriguez’s wife), and the outgoing bishop of Western Mexico, the Rt. Rev. Lino Rodriguez Amaro

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