Documents Final Order handed down in Bruno case August 2, 2017 Bishop Bruno has 40 days to appeal Hearing Panel Order FINAL by George Conger on Scribd Previous articleSouth Carolina Court Hands Down Mixed Ruling in Episcopal DisputeNext articleSouth Carolina responds to the state supreme court decision Latest Articles Episcopal Diocese of Eastern Tennessee Hurricane Helene flooding update Diocese of Western North Carolina status report on churches... Anglican-Catholic Unity and Mission Commission meets in USA Virginia Anglican wrongly fired over pronouns vindicated in settlement Anglican Unscripted 883 – When Saber-Rattling Becomes War Macho Christianity is flexing its muscles: We fear the... VA school board to pay $575K, change policies to... Will Anglicans Save Evangelicalism? Report from the Kanuga conference center on Hurricane Helene... Evangelical Fellowship in the Church in Wales: Statement in... Similar articles Documents Southern African synod calls for ceasefire in Israel/Gaza Documents CoE House of Bishops amends its Standing Orders, dropping the requirement that it meet in public Documents LLF vote tally from the CoE July meeting of General Synod