A statement from the Archbishop of York – IICSA Final Report


I stand alongside the Archbishop of Canterbury in re-iterating our apology to those whom the Church of England has grievously failed, and I fully share his commitment to learn from our failures and move to a place where we get things right. The recommendations made today will be studied and responded to.

The publication of the final report from IICSA marks a moment of profound recollection and is a clarion call for the absolute need for things to continue to change.

I am hugely grateful for the work of the Inquiry, for the way in which they have shone a light on the failure of institutions, including the Church of England, to safeguard children. I am also grateful for their recommendations and demands that things must be different. More importantly I am humbled by and appreciate the many victims and survivors who have told their stories and who consistently call us to both repent and change.

Safeguarding must be our priority and I commend the response from the Church’s lead safeguarding bishop, Bishop Jonathan Gibbs.