The Director of the Anglican Centre in Rome (ACR) and Personal Representative of the Archbishop of Canterbury to the Holy See, Archbishop Ian Ernest, completes his mandate at the end of January 2025, after which he and his wife Kamla will return to their homeland, Mauritius.

On Friday 24 January, bishops, clergy and laity associated with the Anglican Centre, together with ecumenical colleagues and representatives of the Roman Curia and of the diplomatic corps accredited to the Holy See, gathered to honour Archbishop and Mrs Ernest.

On the morning of Saturday 25 January, Pope Francis received Archbishop and Mrs Ernest in a private audience for a farewell visit. 

The Pope thanked the Archbishop for his dedicated service in Rome, encouraging him, even as he retires from public ministry, to always keep going forward. At the end of the meeting, the Pope led the recitation of the Our Father. Mrs Ernest, who is a graphic designer, presented the Pope with one of her works, an artistic depiction of the journey towards unity between the Catholic Church and the Anglican Communion.