Bahasa Malaysia translation of the Bible published


Kuching (Agenzia Fides) – Founding faith on the Word of God: with this spirit the Christian community of Sarawak, the region on the island of Malaysian Borneo, celebrates the launch and publication of two new Bible editions in the Bahasa Malaysia language, in the Jubilee year: the “Alkitab Kudus Malaysia” and the “Alkitab Berita Baik Edisi Studi”.

The publication, published by the Malaysian Bible Society in collaboration with the Association of Churches in Sarawak, an ecumenical body, aims to enrich the spiritual life of Christians throughout the country, especially in the Borno region on the island of Malaysia. Announcing the publication at an event held as part of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity on January 21 in Kuching, [Archbishop] Datuk Danald Jute, Secretary General of the Association of Churches in Sarawak, said: “The beauty of Bible translations is that they remind everyone that God speaks and understands all languages. In this way, Bahasa Malaysia becomes not only our local language, but also a sacred language through which God speaks to us. Christians can use these Bibles as a tool to draw closer to God and share his message.” The new Bible translations are based on years of study and dedication, he said. Indeed, “understanding the language, culture and theology is crucial to ensure that the Word of God is accurately represented,” he stressed.

Thanks to new technological advances and new software that have helped the researchers, the work was completed in 13 years instead of the estimated 20, “but the effort that has been made is still immense,” he stressed. For this, all those present thanked the translators, researchers and everyone who made the publication possible. The translations are “a cornerstone to strengthen the faith of Bahasa Malaysia-speaking Christians and prepare them to live and share the Gospel,” said those present.

The Alkitab Kudus Malaysia edition is the result of a new translation effort initiated by the Bible Society in 2011 to meet the growing demand from Malay-speaking churches for a formal translation that is closer to the original texts of the Bible. Unlike the Alkitab Berita Baik edition – an adaptation of the Bible that uses a “dynamic equivalence” approach to translation – the Alkitab Kudus Malaysia follows a “formal equivalence” approach, making it ideal for academic research, in-depth studies and comparison with Aramaic and Greek terminology.

“The project required meticulous linguistic, theological and cultural considerations to create what is now considered a fully Malaysian Bible. With its completion, the Alkitab Kudus Malaysia is a testament to the Malaysian church’s commitment to understanding the Word of God in all its depth,” said the Bible Society. “This Bible is not just a translation, it is a gift to the Malaysian Church. It allows a deeper and more accurate engagement with the Holy Scriptures for study, prayer and worship,” said the Secretary General of the Bible Society, Rev. Mathew K. Punnoose.

On the other hand, the “Alkitab Berita Baik Edisi Studi” edition is equipped with commentaries, references and explanations, and is intended to enable non-specialists, i.e. all baptized people, to have a deeper understanding of the Holy Scriptures. “This Bible fills a gap by offering the Word of God in an understandable way and giving everyone the tools to understand it even better,” they say.