The College of Bishops convened in Melbourne, Florida, from January 13 to 17, 2025, for their annual January meeting. This gathering provided a valuable opportunity for fellowship, worship, and strategic planning for the Anglican Church in North America.
Each morning commenced with a solemn celebration of Holy Communion, enriched by a profound exploration of Scripture led by the Rev. Canon David Short of Vancouver, Canada. Each day’s work was concluded with Evening Prayer during which personal testimonies were shared. The communal worship set a deeply reverent tone for the meeting and reinforced the bishops’ shared commitment to their gospel mission. Many of the bishops’ wives also were present and shared in the worship and teaching.
As this was Archbishop Steve Wood’s inaugural meeting as chair of the College of Bishops, he articulated his vision for our shared life and work together. He emphasized the urgent need to reach the 130 million people across North America who do not recognize Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. With insight from Chief Operating Officer, Deborah Tepley, Archbishop Wood updated the College on changes within the provincial staff team and highlighted significant progress made toward achieving his initial provincial goals.
In addition to reviewing various reports from ministries and initiatives throughout the Province, the bishops consented to the elections of several bishops-elect: Jason Grote (Bishop Ordinary, REC Mid-America), Phil Ashey (Bishop Ordinary, Western Anglicans), Jay Cayangyang and Marshall MacClellan (Bishops Suffragan, JFAC). Bishop Paul Donison was also admitted to the College of Bishops.
Several bishops presented reports, including a very good ecumenical update from Bishop Ray Sutton. Bishop Steve Breedlove facilitated small group discussions aimed at reorganizing the College of Bishops around geographic regions. This initiative aims to enhance mission, collaboration, and support across dioceses.
Bishop Julian Dobbs delivered a comprehensive update on the newly established International Relations and Global Missions Task Force, emphasizing the critical responsibility of the College of Bishops to diligently and faithfully proclaim the message of Christ to the nations. His remarks served as a powerful reminder of the Church’s mission to reach beyond borders and foster a global witness to the transformative power of the Gospel.
Additionally, Bishop Alan Hawkins presented an overview of the Lily Foundation grant awarded to the Anglican Church in North America, which focuses on clergy financial planning and health, highlighting the commitment to the well-being of church leaders.
The bishops received comprehensive updates regarding the disciplinary canons from both the Bishops Task Force on Title IV review and the Governance Task Force. This presentation included an examination of the strengths and weaknesses of the current Title IV canons as well as a review of proposed amendments and enhancements aimed at improving the structures and processes related to disciplinary matters within the Church.
In conclusion, this meeting reaffirmed the bishops’ shared mission and highlighted the ongoing commitment of the Anglican Church in North America to fulfill its calling to proclaim the gospel and make disciples of all nations.
Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen. (Ephesians 3:20-21, ESV)