13 Dec 2024

Dear People of God in The Episcopal Church:

When I took up the role of presiding bishop on Nov. 1, I began to work with Bishop Nicholas Knisely, the president of the Disciplinary Board for Bishops, members of the board, and other Title IV leaders to bring matters currently pending against bishops to resolution.

Among the matters I have been working on are two sets of allegations that have been brought against Bishop Prince Singh. One involves allegations that he verbally and/or physically abused his sons over a period of years, consumed excessive alcohol in the home, publicly misrepresented facts related to his divorce proceedings with his ex-wife, and verbally abused his ex-wife during their marriage. The other set of allegations come from people in the Episcopal Diocese of Rochester who accuse Bishop Singh of demonstrating a volatile temper, public shaming, vindictiveness, creating fear of retribution, lack of transparency, imposed isolation, and misuse of Title IV, including failing to report allegations against a priest to the diocesan intake officer and blocking a complaint against him from being reported to the intake officer for bishops. Bishop Singh disputes these allegations.

Today I want to let you know that I have reached an accord with Bishop Singh that resolves all Title IV matters pending against him, and that, as required by the canons, the accord has been approved by the Disciplinary Board for Bishops. In this matter, as in all Title IV matters, I am guided by the theological foundation of Canon 1 of Title IV, which reminds us that, “By virtue of baptism, all members of the church are called to holiness of life and accountability to one another” and calls us to healing, repentance, forgiveness, restitution, justice, amendment of life, and reconciliation.

My goal in negotiating this accord with Bishop Singh has been to achieve Title IV’s goals by identifying paths for him to be accountable, to amend his life, and then to seek reconciliation with his family and his former diocese if and when they are willing to do so. I also expect him to repair his relationships with his colleagues in the House of Bishops.

Under the terms of this accord, Bishop Singh will:

  • Be suspended from ministry for at least three more years. The suspension will conclude only when I am satisfied he is fit for ministry.
  • Undergo a thorough psychiatric and psychological assessment conducted by a professional in the United States designated by me.
  • Participate in truth-telling work related to both sets of allegations.
  • Participate in psychological work, education, and training in domestic abuse as required by me in consultation with a psychological professional.
  • Participate in psychological work, education, and training in anger management, as required by me in consultation with a psychological professional.
  • Participate in psychological work, education, and training in proper exercise of authority, as required by me in consultation with a psychological professional.
  • Undertake work addressing his relationship with alcohol and its behavioral consequences in a program approved by me.
  • Undertake work to address reputational harm suffered by people in the Diocese of Rochester as appropriate.
  • Make visits and apologies to people, congregations, and other groups whom I identify and who are willing.
  • Participate in education and training in Title IV values, process, and procedures.

During the period of suspension, I will require Bishop Singh to participate in reconciliation work addressing his relationships with his ex-wife and sons when and if they are interested in doing so and consent to the process. I will also require him to participate in reconciliation work addressing his relationships in the Diocese of Rochester in consultation with the complainants in that disciplinary matter and with the Rt. Rev. Kara Wagner Sherer, bishop of Rochester. However, he must remain silent about these disciplinary matters, the allegations against him, or their resolution unless I give him advance permission to discuss them.

While he is suspended from ministry, Bishop Singh may seek secular employment, and he must notify me before accepting any employment position.

Finally, if after the initial three-year period of suspension or at any point thereafter, I determine that Bishop Singh is not appropriately engaging in the prescribed work, I will have sole authority to direct the president of the Disciplinary Board for Bishops to pronounce a sentence of deposition. This would remove Bishop Singh permanently from the ordained ministry of The Episcopal Church. I will personally monitor his progress in fulfilling the terms of this accord, and I will not lift the suspension unless and until he demonstrates his fitness for ministry and accountability and amendment of life related to the allegations in these complaints.

Because of canonical constraints on the conference panel phase of our Title IV process, Bishop Singh was unable to hear a full accounting of the allegations against him and the impact of those allegations on his sons and ex-wife. By negotiating this accord that will require rigorous therapeutic and relational work, I hope to continue the work begun by the conference panel to foster his repentance and amendment of life.

I have met with the complainants in the Diocese of Rochester and with Roja Suganthy-Singh, Nivedhan Singh, and Eklan Singh. I pray that by committing time, energy, and other resources toward the possibility of healing and reconciliation, we can demonstrate to them and to the entire church our belief in a God of hope and healing. I also believe we have a responsibility to Bishop Singh’s new family, community, and colleagues to promote healthy behavior in the future.

Finally, a note on canonical process: Before I became presiding bishop, the Title IV complaint brought against Bishop Singh by members of the Diocese of Rochester had been referred to a hearing panel. Our canons require that documents filed with the hearing panel be posted on the church’s website. They are now available with some redactions to protect injured persons, as permitted by Canon IV.14.3 (b).

Please join me in praying for everyone affected by this process.


Presiding Bishop Sean W. Rowe