Sue Colman stood down as St Mellitus chaplain following release of Makin Review


The College acknowledges that for survivors of church abuse the publication of the Makin Review is an immensely painful and challenging time. As a College we pray for all those impacted after the Makin Review revealed the abhorrent crimes of John Smyth and the tragic failures of the Church’s response.

The Revd Sue Colman was named in the report, and has served as a part-time voluntary chaplain for a number of years in the life of this College. Following publication of the report, and working with relevant Dioceses, we initiated a safeguarding risk assessment. Sue Colman has agreed to step back from her chaplaincy role at St Mellitus College with immediate effect. We are working with the National Safeguarding Team to ensure a coordinated approach as this process continues.

Revd Russell Winfield , Dean, St Mellitus College

Rt Revd Dr Graham Tomlin, Chair, St Mellitus College