Trinity School for Ministry appoints Bradley Roderick Associate Professor of Mission and director of the Stanway Institute

Brad Roderick

Trinity School for Ministry is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Bradley Roderick as its new Associate Professor of Mission, and Director of the Stanway Institute for World Mission and Evangelism. During Dr. Roderick’s first year, he will share the responsibilities of the Stanway Institute with the Rt. Rev. Grant LeMarquand, who is assuming the role of Professor of New Testament.

Dr. Roderick comes to us from Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary, where he has been Chairman and Professor of the Missions Department since 2017. Dr Roderick has extensive experience in mission and evangelism, having been a church planter in New England and a cross-cultural missionary for over nineteen years in India and Indonesia. 

“The intersection of global mission and Anglican identity is arguably the most crucial aspect of what Trinity School for Ministry provides for theological education and the wider church. We are extremely blessed to have a person who has lived and served in South and Southeast Asia, been an executive director of missions for an association of churches, and has been a chairman of a mission department at a theological seminary. Dr. Roderick brings a rare combination of practical experience and good scholarship, along with teaching experience to his new identity as an Anglican. He is joined in his ministry with his wife, Gretchen, who serves as the training coordinator for Anglican Frontier Missions. Trinity is blessed to have them join our community,” said Trinity’s Dean and President, the Very Rev. Dr. Henry L. Thompson III.

Dr. Roderick has a Master of Divinity and a PhD from New Orleans Baptist Seminary, and is the author of numerous articles in the area of mission.

Dr. Roderick stated, “Gretchen and I are excited to join the Trinity family, and to be a part of their continued impact on the global church and kingdom growth.  I am especially looking forward to earning the right to wear the world-famous Trinity socks!”

The Rodericks have two adult sons and three grandchildren. 

Trinity School for Ministry is an evangelical seminary in the Anglican tradition. Founded in 1976, the seminary has trained more than 1,300 graduates and many others who serve in ministries all over the world.  As a global center for Christian formation, Trinity continues to produce outstanding leaders who can plant, renew, and grow churches that make disciples of Jesus Christ.

The Stanway Institute provides the institutional administration and oversight of programs and activities that contribute towards forming Christian leaders for mission. It was founded in 1989 with the purpose of promoting Christian mission at Trinity School for Ministry, in North America and beyond.